Labels:text | screenshot | font | number | document OCR: Method Function CloseLink Terminates an ongoing DDE conversation. After a link is closed, no DDE communication can take place between the DDE client and server until another link is opened. ExecuteMacro Attempts to send a macro command string to a DDE server application. The command string must be o null-terminated string that contains the macro to be executed by the DDE server application. ExecuteMacro returns True if the macro was successfully passed to the DDE server applica- tion. If ExecufeMacro was unable to send a command string, ExecuteMacro returns False. If you need to send a macro command string list rather than a single string, use the ExecuteMacroLines method. OpenLink Initiates a new DDE conversation. If the con- versation was successfully opened, an OnOpen event occurs and the OpenLink method returns True. Otherwise, OpenLink returns False, Figure 7 : Key TDDEClientCony methods.